Page 57 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 57

There’s	a	reason	why	“Just	Do	It”	is	the	most	famous	tagline	in	the	world	and
resonates	across	all	cultures.	Do	you	know	what	makes	the	tagline	so	powerful?	It’s
the	word	“JUST.”

    The	 word	 JUST	 is	 in	 there	 because	 Nike	 recognizes	 something	 we’ve	 talked	 a
lot	 about	 in	 this	 book—right	 before	 we	 act,	 we	 first	 stop	 and	 think.	 “Just	 Do	 It”
acknowledges	that	we’re	all	struggling	to	push	ourselves	to	be	better	and	do	better.
We	 all	 hesitate	 and	 wrestle	 with	 our	 feelings	 before	 we	 jump	 in.	 The	 word	 JUST
tells	us	that	we’re	not	alone.	Every	single	one	of 	us	has	these	small	hesitations.

    It’s	 the	 moment	 right	 before	 you	 ask	 to	 join	 the	 pick-up	 game	 that’s	 already
underway,	the	moment	you	contemplate	whether	to	do	a	third	set	of 	reps,	or	when
you	start	to	question	whether	you’ll	head	out	the	door	for	a	run	in	the	pouring	rain.

    The	 tagline	 acknowledges	 that	 you	 have	 excuses	 and	 fears	 and	 Nike	 is
encouraging	 you	 to	 be	 bigger	 than	 them.	 Come	 on…don’t	 think	 about	 it…JUST	 DO
IT.	I	know	you’re	tired…JUST	DO	IT.	I	know	you	are	afraid…JUST	DO	IT.

    Nike’s	tagline	is	pushing	you	to	move	past	that	doubt	and	get	in	the	game.	Nike
knows	 that	 there’s	 greatness	 inside	 of 	 you,	 and	 it’s	 on	 the	 other	 side	 of 	 your
excuses.	It	resonates	profoundly	because	every	single	one	of 	us,	even	an	Olympic
athlete,	 needs	 a	 PUSH.	 And	 that’s	 where	 the	 #5SecondRule	 comes	 in;	 the	 Rule	 is
how	 you	 push	 yourself 	 when	 no	 coach,	 competitor,	 parent,	 screaming	 fan,	 or
teammate	 is	 there	 to	 push	 you.	 With	 the	 Rule,	 you	 just	 5-	 4-	 3-	 2-	 1	 to	 push

Is	There	a	Five-Second	Window	of	Opportunity	for

    Yes.	There	is	a	window	for	everyone	between	the	moment	you	have	an	instinct
to	 change	 and	 your	 mind	 killing	 that	 instinct.	 While	 your	 mind	 starts	 working
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