Page 87 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
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career.	 Or	 sitting	 in	 college	 classes	 earning	 a	 degree	 to	 please	 your	 parents	 when
knowing	in	your	heart	that	you	want	to	be	doing	something	else	with	your	life.

    There	is	no	right	time.	There	is	only	right	now.	You	get	one	life.	This	is	it.	And
it’s	not	going	to	begin	again.	It’s	up	to	you	to	push	yourself 	to	make	the	most	of 	it
and	the	time	to	do	it	is	right	now.

You	Validate	Your	Ideas	By	Pursuing	Them

    It’s	heartbreaking	to	hear	from	so	many	of 	you	with	a	creative	idea	or	product
concept	that	are	waiting	for	someone	else	to	validate	it.	It’s	so	sad	because	waiting
for	validation	will	be	the	death	of 	your	dreams.	If 	you	have	an	idea	for	a	show	or	a
book,	and	you	are	waiting	for	an	executive	at	a	TV	network	or	a	publishing	house
to	pick	you,	you	will	lose.	It’s	like	Tom	in	the	bar	hoping	his	soulmate	will	just	walk
up	to	him	and	pick	him.	Or	me	waiting	until	I	felt	motivated	to	wake	up	and	get	out
of 	bed.	Waiting	until	you	are	ready	will	not	make	it	happen.	The	world	doesn’t	work
that	way.

    The	world	rewards	those	who	are	courageous	enough	to	stop	waiting	and	start.
If 	you	dream	of 	being	on	television,	I	can	tell	you	from	first-hand	experience	that
the	TV	executive	you	hope	discovers	you	is	actually	on	YouTube	right	now	looking
for	someone	who	didn’t	wait.	The	person	who	has	the	courage	to	start,	create,	and
put	themselves	and	their	ideas	out	there	is	the	one	who	will	win.

    The	only	difference	between	that	idea	for	a	novel	you	want	to	write	and	British
author	E.L.	James	who	wrote	the	blockbuster	Fifty	Shades	of 	Gray	trilogy	(that	was
devoured	 by	 nearly	 every	 woman	 on	 the	 planet	 Earth	 and	 sold	 a	 million	 copies	 in
four	 days)	 is	 the	 fact	 that	 she	 didn’t	 wait	 for	 permission,	 the	 right	 time,	 or	 to	 feel
ready.	She	didn’t	wait	until	she	had	a	book	deal.	In	fact,	she	started	writing	erotica
on	 a	 Twilight-themed	 blog!	 She	 found	 the	 courage	 to	 start	 in	 small	 ways,	 and	 put
herself 	out	there	over	and	over	until	she	built	the	confidence	to	write	a	book.	And
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