Page 90 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 90

Five	Seconds	of	Courage	Changes	Everything

    Tom	 starts	 counting	 to	 himself,	 “5-	 4-	 3-…”	 and	 by	 the	 time	 he	 gets	 to	 2,	 he
starts	 walking	 across	 the	 room.	 He	 has	 no	 idea	 what	 he’ll	 say	 to	 her.	 His	 heart	 is
racing,	but	for	the	first	time	in	a	long	time	he	doesn’t	feel	numb,	he	feels	alive.	The
closer	he	gets	to	her,	the	more	his	heart	races.	She	turns	around	just	as	he	reaches
her.	What	happens	next	is…irrelevant.

    It	doesn’t	matter	what	happens	because	she	either	becomes	his	soulmate	or	she
doesn’t.	 The	 ending	 of 	 the	 story	 is	 irrelevant—the	 only	 thing	 that	 matters	 is	 the
beginning	of 	the	story,	that	Tom	made	a	choice	to	begin	living	again.	That’s	how
you	listen	to	your	heart.	Whether	you	are	starting	to	date	again,	starting	a	company,
or	starting	a	YouTube	channel,	you	must	find	the	courage	to	start.

    Notice	how	we	desperately	want	an	assurance	that	Tom	“got	the	girl.”	It	makes
for	 a	 great	 movie	 plot,	 but	 “getting	 the	 girl”	 isn’t	 the	 point.	 Life	 isn’t	 a	 Nicholas
Sparks	 novel.	 Life	 is	 gritty	 and	 hard	 and	 then	 suddenly	 it	 is	 brilliant	 and	 amazing.
Besides,	the	girl	could	be	engaged.	She	could	be	gay.	She	could	be	a	real	bitch.	Even
if 	she’s	amazing	and	they	end	up	having	crazy	hot	sex	or	go	on	to	get	married,	“the
girl”	is	not	the	source	of 	power	in	the	story.	Tom	is.

    The	 treasure	 in	 your	 life	 is	 buried	 within	 you.	 It’s	 not	 inside	 of 	 someone	 else.
Tom	is	the	source	of 	power	in	his	life	and	you	are	the	source	of 	power	in	yours.
You	 unlock	 that	 power	 when	 you	 listen	 to	 your	 instincts	 and	 5-	 4-	 3-	 2-	 1	 push
yourself 	 to	 honor	 them.	 When	 you	 discover	 your	 “inner	 true	 self ”	 it	 will	 be	 the
“most	important	gift	of 	all.”
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