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96 P a r t I I Producing Your YouTube Videos

   As you might suspect, these are not inexpensive camcorders. Expect to spend any-
   where from $2,000 to $3,500 for one of these pricey puppies. This is probably
   overkill for shooting YouTube videos; you’re better off sticking to a lower-priced
   mid-level model.

Selecting Essential Accessories

   One of the keys to shooting more professional videos is to take advantage of avail-
   able accessories such as tripods, lighting kits, and the like. Let’s take a quick look at
   what you need to make sure your videos don’t look like the majority of amateurish
   YouTube videos out there today.


   Let’s talk stability first. Many amateur videos (and professional movies trying for an
   artsy “shaky cam” effect) bounce around like a monkey on caffeine. That’s because
   it’s hard to hold a camcorder steady in your hand; you end up shaking the cam-
   corder and producing a shaky video.
   What you need is a way to steady your camera when you shoot. The answer is to
   mount your camcorder on a tripod (such as the one shown in Figure 9.4) or mono-
   pod. Spend $40 or less and get a rock-solid picture; it’s an essential accessory.

   Figure 9.4 The sturdy 515QF tripod from Slik.
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