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Chapter 9 Shooting Semi-Pro Videos               99


        You can find most of these accessories at your local camera store. These
        are the same tripods, lighting kits, and seamless backgrounds used by still
        photographers, and most camera stores carry a large selection.

External Microphone

   So far, we’ve talked about ways to improve the quality of your video’s picture, but
   you should also pay attention to the sound. Unfortunately, using a camcorder’s
   built-in microphone often produces sub-par audio, as the subject’s voice has to
   travel clear across the room to be picked up by the mic; you also pick up a lot of
   extraneous noise along the way.

   To enhance the audio in your videos, look for a camcorder that lets you connect an
   external microphone. You can choose from all sorts of high-quality microphones,
   including boom mics, stereo mics, and surround sound mics. For most YouTube
   videos, the best choice is a lavalier or lapel mic, such as the one shown in Figure
   9.8, that clips onto the front of the subject’s shirt or blouse. Just make sure that the
   mic you choose has the same connector as found on your camera—they’re not all
   the same.

Figure 9.8 Shure’s SM11-CN lavalier microphone.
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