Page 66 - Benjamin Franklin\'s The Way to Wealth: A 52 brilliant ideas interpretation -
P. 66

On	 the	 same	 basis	 a	 card	 issuer	 may	 decide	 to	 reduce	 your	 current	 credit
limit	 on	 the	 grounds	 that	 it	 is	 already	 beyond	 you.	 In	 extreme	 cases	 they
could	 recall	 the	 debt	 altogether—and	 you	 simply	 can’t	 afford	 to	 pay	 off	 that
debt	 in	 one	 go.	 (If	 you	 can,	 then	 what	 are	 you	 doing	 making	 those	 late

That	 then	 has	 the	 knock-on	 effect	 that	 your	 chances	 of	 future	 borrowing
will	 be	 reduced.	 Which	 could	 really	 hurt	 when	 you	 try	 to	 get	 a	 mortgage
(or	 a	 remortgage	 if	 things	 are	 getting	 really	 tough).	 This,	 of	 course,	 means
that	 your	 ‘cheap’	 fee	 could	 be	 one	 of	 the	 most	 expensive	 financial	 choices
you	 ever	 opt	 for.

So	 don’t	 miss	 your	 payments,	 wherever	 you	 are,	 and	 don’t	 try	 to	 bury	 your
head	 in	 the	 sand.	 If	 you	 realise	 that	 the	 money	 just	 won’t	 be	 there	 to	 pay
that	 direct	 debit	 then	 get	 in	 touch	 with	 your	 lenders	 immediately.	 If	 you	 are
seen	 to	 be	 acting	 responsibly	 there	 should	 be	 no	 problem	 working	 out	 a
new	 schedule	 of	 repayments,	 and	 possibly	 a	 repayment	 ‘holiday’	 during
which	 you	 take	 a	 break	 from	 those	 regular	 payments	 until	 your	 financial
situation	 improves.

   Go	 a	 step	 further	 than	 direct	 debits	 to	 sort	 out	 your	 regular	 outgoings.
   Open	 an	 instant-access	 savings	 account	 with	 the	 amount	 needed	 to
   cover	 one	 month’s	 repayments.	 That’s	 both	 your	 buffer	 and	 your	 alarm.
   The	 month	 you	 transfer	 the	 buffer	 to	 pay	 them	 is	 the	 signal	 to	 talk	 to
   your	 lender.
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