Page 160 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 160

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar



But first let's visit the forums and put out some tests. As I
answer some of the forum questions, I casually mention I'm
putting together a seminar for newbies to get their answers
to live questions by a panel of experts. I tell them to contact
me off the forum for more details if interested and give my
email. This has to be done discreetly in the forums,
otherwise you can get flamed for spamming.

Ok, now back to writing my offer to approach some panelists
for the seminar. Commonly known as a JV (joint venture).

I offer to:

Setup the event.

Cover all costs of the event (except their call)

Furnish them a copy of the MP3 & PDF files as products
which they have resell rights to.

Offer them a generous commission for promoting it to their
lists. This can vary from 50% up to 70% to make the offer
very attractive.

So in a nutshell all they have to do is show up at the call,
and of course send out an announcement to their lists.


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