Page 180 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 180

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I should easily be able to do two teleseminars in a month if I
choose, which should at least double my income not
including backend sales. Since everything is in place now
and for the most part automated, then two teleseminars
should not be a problem. My autoresponders handle
inquiries, my web page sells the products and takes the
order automatically through my ordering system
QuickPayPro, which then adds the customer to a customer
list for follow-up.

Some other totally automated systems similar to
QuickPayPro are:

Day 30
I review this month's activity and pacify the bill collectors. I
know now that next month will be even better and I should
clean up any remaining bills.

My total sales so far are $2,379.00 and after deducting my
expenses of affiliate commissions to the panelists ($600),
conference call costs ($150), and my related costs for
hosting and my domain name ($50) plus (70.00 for the
search engines), I have netted about $1,500 in profits.

Subscriptions are coming in for my newsletter, sales are still


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