Page 185 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 185

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 4

Today I would set the foundations for an ezine that I would
send out to people who are interested in my topic. This will
help build a steady relationship over the next few months
and if they don't purchase my insider report now, they
hopefully will in the future.

I would open my ebook EZ Money With Ezines and review
how to start and operate a money making ezine once again
to make sure that I didn't miss anything.

I would set my ezine up at at a free list provider such as:

Day 5

Today I would compile an outline on how I will want my
insider report to flow. It is important before you start
writing a report or ebook that you have an outline to
follow. It makes that task a lot easier and it doesn't seem
as intimidating if you break your report down into chunks.

I would also promote my new ezine in various
announcement lists and in a few related discussion
forums to get new subscribers. I would also use the
various other methods that I discuss in my ebook EZ Money


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