Page 189 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 189

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


One of the elements that make doing business a little
harder than on the offline world is the amount of
skepticism that the average person has about purchasing
products on the Internet. Who would blame them with so
many scams happening that take away the credibility from
Internet marketers?

In order to make my new report more credible, I would
offer a select number of people on my ezine a free copy of
my report and ask for a testimonial if they liked it.
Testimonials add credibility and help establish trust.

Once I started receiving some testimonials, I would add the
testimonials to my sales page.

Day 13

In order to accept funds from customers, I will need to have
an online retailer to process the credit card transactions. I
would open up an account at and create a link
on my sales page to my account to accept the orders from
my customers.

They would be automatically redirected to the thank you
page after their order is complete, so that they could
download my report.

Day 14


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