Page 187 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 187

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


benefit if they purchase my insider report. I would add a
money back guarantee and throw in a bonus (i.e. free
ebook with a compilation of relationship articles I got for
free from the sites I visited on Day 3).

Day 9

I would spend this day finishing my sales letter and polishing
it up. It is crucial that I have a killer sales letter to help
promote my new insider report. You could have the worst
product in the world but sell it by thousands with a killer
sales letter, or you could have an awesome product and sell
very few because of a poorly written sales letter.

Your sales letter is the key to your success.

Day 10

I will need to create my report into a format that makes it
easily transferable to customers. The best possible way to
do this is by converting my insider report into a PDF format
because it will be able to work on both a Windows and
Macintosh platform.

Converting into PDF format helps retain the original format
of my insider report. There are a few services that will
automatically turn your file into PDF format for free. For


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