Page 196 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 196

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


easier to sell to an existing customer who you have done
business with before than it is to a new customer.

A possible second item could be a second volume of expert
interviews on finding Mr. or Ms. Right.

Day 30

I would transfer all my sales money out from my PayPal
account and into my bank account and think about how I am
going to spend it. :) Actually, now that i have money<
iwould go out and get a real domain name and a more
reliable web hoster. I would also purchase software to
create a fancy book cover graphic to help sell my insider


The above example was based on the fact that I had
absolutely no money at all and the assumption that I didn't
start making money until late in the campaign. So it is quite
possible to make money on the Internet without money.

The information business was already a billion dollar
industry before the Internet. Before it was limited to direct
marketers who had a lot of money to spend on printing,
postage and advertising. This opportunity was only limited
to the few who could afford to start this type of venture.


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