Page 199 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 199

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer: By Graham Hamer

(Graham Hamer takes the challenge one step further,
and looks at the problem from the angle of a "true"
newcomer to the Internet, without even the
experience and marketing knowledge... though maybe
there's an ounce or two of learned wisdom in there


Today, my first day, is going to be a planning day. I'm not
going to rush in blindly, sign up for everything and succeed
at nothing... that's a mug's game.

I need to take a look at what programs are available and at
what price. Also, I want to try and find a balance between
instant profit and long-term residual income.

I need to understand what each program is offering me and
whether the targets they claim are possible. I've already
been spammed with an "unbelievable" offer, promising that I
can make $6 million in six months! Well, they're right - it IS
unbelievable! I just calculated that to get my $6 million, I
would have to recruit every man, woman and child in USA
twice over!

Sometimes it's tough sorting out the real bull from the
natural enthusiasm of webmasters who want to attract


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