Page 333 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 333

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 25: Today I would set up two sales pages and two
thank you pages. One set would be for affiliate sales and
another for personal sales.

It's also time to start contacting publishers with a JV offer. I
would offer them a free copy of the reprint rights for a solo
ad. I would also offer them 60% commissions on any
affiliate sales.

Day 26: I would now begin looking for a quality network
marketing company to add to my offers. The network
marketing company would be designed to create long term
residual income. I believe in diversifying my offers.

I want three types of programs in my portfolio.

A. Cash generators to fund my growth.

B. Affiliate programs for medium term profits.

C. Network Marketing programs for long term residual

Day 27: I should be developing a steady stream of income
now. It's time to invest in more opt in leads to import into


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