Page 337 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 337

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


         Josh Hinds –

Josh Hinds started out on the world wide web early on with
not much more then the idea of collecting motivational and
personal development resources in one handy place. Since
then, that simple links page has grown to encompass a full
community ( people who interact with
each other and share a common bond of an interest in self-
help topics.

The site includes countless personal development and self-
improvement resources as well as two related newsletters.
Josh is a syndicated columnist -- his articles appear first in
his Inspiration a Day! newsletter, and are then available in
various places both online and offline. Josh works with
several clients / organizations in helping to grow their online
marketing efforts, and brainstorming strategies.

He is also the co-author of "One Question To Success ...
Today's Masterminds of Motivation, Personal Development,
and Business Share Their Secrets To Living Your Dreams".
"One Question To Success is available at

Josh practices the simple belief that opportunities open
themselves up when you lead with a sincere willingness to
help others.


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