Page 341 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 341

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


offline and being viewed as being "in the know" will put you
at a distinct advantage fairly quickly. Plus most people are
far more capable of writing then they give themselves credit
for. Particularly if it is a subject they have a deep seeded
passion for.

Look, I'm a country boy who was born and raised in a
southern town called Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I didn't have
formal training as a writer. Nor did someone say to me one
day, "Josh, go forth and share your thoughts now. You have
permission to write". What I did have is a lot of real world
experience and a sincere belief that what I had to share was
worth writing about.

No matter what area of interest, or industry you settle on
you have to believe the same thing. You have to believe in

In the event that you choose initially not to go the route of
writing your own articles there is another approach you can
take that should work quite effective for you.

Before I get into it I want to encourage you to combine the
idea I am about to reveal with writing and marketing
through your own articles at the same time. The two ideas
can make for a pretty powerful combination.

The alternative approach is to market using other people's
articles and writings. Obviously you're going to want to


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