Page 340 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 340

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


are countless options to choose from. Initially you can start
at a site like or upon researching
others in your area of interest you could find out what others
have the best results in promoting.

Be sure that you decide on a product or service that will pay
you a fair percentage per commission you earn. Also, look
for good back-end support. Explore the ways in which the
company is committed to helping you succeed in marketing
their products or services.

Once I decided on which product (or products) were an ideal
fit I would lay out a quick marketing plan that I would
commit to follow every day. Remember the old saying,
"Rome wasn't built in a day". This is exactly the attitude you
want to develop in building your business (be it online, or
offline). I would also be sure to keep a journal and track my
progress each day. Holding yourself accountable for the
action plan you set for yourself is key.

Because of the initial lack of resources available to start with
I would choose to market primarily through articles or
essays focusing on the topic or industry I chose to operate

I know that most people might not fancy themselves as
writers, but I would urge you not to discount this approach.
First of all it can position you in the mind of your reader as
an expert. It is a crowded marketplace, both online and


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