Page 344 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 344

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


your second tier. In return for referring others and building
your second tier you are rewarded by earning a smaller
percentage of each sale that the person you referred into
the affiliate program makes. I'm not going to get to in-depth
on this but suffice it to say over time this approach can help
to build some very nice income streams that do not take a
lot of direct result on your part. I also want to caution you
though. Don't make the mistake of focusing all your energies
on building a second tier and losing site of the power of
marketing through articles. Certainly a lot of people do quite
well using the two tier strategy, but due to the short time
period we've got to build a viable business and start to see
results I'd suggest using both approaches and initially
combining the two to start with. That is a combined focus on
building direct sales and your second tier. Also, not all
affiliate programs are going to offer the two tier option.
Many excellent programs don't offer this option as a matter
of fact.

With all that is mentioned above we still have to reach our
desired audience and that in itself can be overwhelming.
Therefore we want to make sure we are making the best use
of our time by connecting with and reaching out to those
people who already have well established audiences. The
very types of audiences, customers, and clients that we
believe will have a direct interest in what we have to offer.
In my case the sort of articles and essays that would appeal
to people with an interest in personal development related
topics. The same applies to you no matter what topic you've


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