Page 347 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 347

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


the search engine. Another extremely useful
thing is the ability to search for terms within the particular
web site you happen to be on at the time, as opposed to
having to look all around for a contact name or email
address. I can also quickly find out if they happen to accept
syndicated articles for example. It is a huge time saver.

Using the methods mentioned above I would set-out
everyday for the entire 30 day period of time repeating the
same process I have laid out above.

In addition to continuously reaching out to new web site
owners and newsletter publishers I would also be certain to
keep records of all previous connections I made along the
way. Doing so makes following up easier. And make no
mistake about it, following up is key!

The main thing I would make sure of is that in every contact
I have the other person knows without a shadow of a doubt
that I am reaching out to them with the sincere willingness
to create a win, win situation for all involved. The key to
success in this marketing approach is in consistently
following it day in and day out. Persistence truly is a key
ingredient. I have seen countless examples of people who
get all excited about things and commit to doing them. Only
later on to have other commitments and opportunities come
up that end up spreading them to thin. It is as though they
end up going from project to project and new task to new
task while in the process ending up neglecting the very thing


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