Page 351 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 351

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer: By June Yeap

Day 1:

First, I would select my own niche. I would choose a topic
which I'm interested in and have some knowledge in. Once
I've decided on a few keyphrases related to my niche, I
would go to Overture's Search Term Suggestion Tool to see
which one of the keywords/keyphrases is most searched.

I would also go to or download a copy of
GoodKeywords to dig out some under-developed but
profitable keywords.

Once I've decided on a keyphrase, I would create an ebook
around this topic. My ebook would be a compilation of
questions and answers. The title of my ebook would be
something like this...

'77 Most Burning Questions You've Always Wanted To
    Ask About ..... - All Answered By World's Top ... !'

Since I'm aiming at building a sizeble list of paying
customers, I would use this ebook as a lead product and sell
them on back-end affiliate products. Therefore, I would price
my ebook at somewhere around $20 - $30.

Next, I would come up with a good, memorable domain
name for my ebook. I would try to use a .com extension and
keep it short and easy to remember. I would also try to use
the keyphrase I've chosen earlier in my domain name.


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