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30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


June's "Web Marketing Mini Digest" ezine is a must-have
subscription for business people who would like to save
time, money, and effort promoting their web business. June
scours dozens of other newsletters every week to find
hidden nuggets of gold. This is truly the "cream" of real-
world advice from the top netpreneurs.

Though June is a busy entreprenuer, she loves to study,
especially Biology, her favorite subject. One of her passions
is the ballet, which June has studied and eagerly enjoys
watching every chance she gets.

For those who claim to have "no time" to start a business,
June Yeap sets a wonderful example. She manages three
online businesses while a full-time student in a university
preparatory program. Even though she only spends 2-3
hours a day working online, she makes the most of her time
by promoting quality products, finding niches, and using
methods that have been proven to work. It is easy to see
why one of June's favorite quotes is from Winston Churchill:
"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key
to unlocking our potential."


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