Page 352 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 352

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Since I'll be emailing to many top names to invite them to
contribute answers to my ebook, I would want to send
emails from my domain name instead of using a free email
address like Hotmail or Yahoo. This will prove to them that
I'm really serious about my ebook. People are reluctant to
work with those who operate from a Hotmail or Yahoo

I would go to to register my domain name. I
chose Dot Easy because it's only $25 per domain and best of
all, it comes with free, banners-free business hosting.
There's no need for me to pay separately for web hosting.

Day 2

First, I would go to and type in in the search
box 'my keyword + forum'. This should return to me results
of the top forums on my selected keyword. I would click on
each of the link and take note of some of the frequently
asked questions.

I would open a text file in NotePad, copy down the questions
alongside with the answers, if provided by the forum

I would to repeat this hot-question-hunting process for the
first 50 links.

Next, I would go to each of the site below and do the same
hot-question-hunting process until I've collected or compiled


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