Page 354 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 354

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


   • Their site name and URL
   • Their contact email/contact form URL
   • Owner's first name (optional)
   • Anything that interests me the most on their web site

       (special features of their site)

Day 4

Today, I would compose an invitation email. In my email, I
would briefly describe what my ebook is all about. I would
put in bullets what they're going to get from this joint
venture - free publicity, a chance to position themselves as
an expert, free exposure to their web site etc.

I would personalize my email with their name and mention
that I visited their site. I would write about a few special
things I notice about their site when I was visiting their site.

Once I've composed the email, I would send out my email to
each of the contributors one by one. I would give my email a
good subject line. Something like 'Hi Joe, June here.' or 'Hi
Joe, Joint Venture.'

I would give them a week to email me back with their

Day 5

Today, I would surf for possible earning possibilities. Since I
would be promoting affiliate programs as back-end profits,


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