Page 342 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 342

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


obtain permission to do so first. In most cases it is not
nearly as hard to gain permission as you may think.

Doing so can also be an excellent increase your own
personal network and in turn get to expand the reach of
people you know in the area or industry that you want to
succeed in.

In most cases the companies that and individuals who's
affiliate programs you have chosen to market for will make
available their articles and essays for you to use. In most
instances they will allow you to insert your unique affiliate
referral web address in the authors resource box section
that accompanies each article.

If this is not something that is offered I would be sure to
write them personally and ask if it was available to me.
Because of the win, win involved in this approach most
people readily go along with this.

If you have written your own original articles you can
certainly insert your affiliate links into content of your
article, or include it in your own authors resource section.
You just want to be absolutely certain that your article is
content rich and would be great value to the reader. If you
focus first on delivering great value you build trust. When
you build trust you build a long-term foundation for your


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