Page 390 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 390
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
by Joe Kumar
Based on $6 profit per CD, plus $2 profit per CD case I will
have made $650 profit from my eBay auctions.
After Paypal fees it would be $18.78/person profit for me
from the teleseminar. Total profit from seminar: $1878
Profit from backend CD sales: $237.50.
The cost to conduct the seminar: $20 using
Cost to have the Seminar recorded and audio files mailed to
me: $40 from
Total Profit: $2,705.50 - Just over of my $2,500 goal, and
$705.50 more than I needed to keep my house and pay my
Beyond 30 Days
I will put the finishing touches on this whirlwind month and
show people how they themselves can get out of such a
bind. I'm still on a tight budget, so I'll use to
register a domain name for $8.95 and a cheap Web host
such as
Will this sell?
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