Page 487 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 487

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I also do the same for a small test on my local business

Side Note Again:

Why am I targeting both Online and Off-line people here?

I should point out that I’m selling to my local marketplace at
the same price as Online but I’m throwing in a top bonus
that I can’t deliver outside of my local area – “A free one on
one Website consultation”.

Now why the heck would I want to do that?

Very simply, because I know that if I can get in front of
these people and do a quick evaluation of their Website with
them I’ll be able to convert a huge percentage of them to an
actual Paid evaluation – or have them hire me as a

And here I can easily earn $100 / hour or more. That to me
is easy money.

Day Seventeen:

Ahh – replies are coming back. I pull 8 of the twenty that I
emailed through my Ezine prospects database and 4 from


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