Page 484 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 484

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


End of the day – I’m wrecked. Time for another break.

Day Twelve:

One important rule of thumb to remember is to never over
work yourself.

In my situation as a single Dad, that’s very important. So
today I stop and pause just to catch my breath and revise
what I’ve done so far.

   1. I’ve got my product – finished.
   2. I’ve got my Website – finished.
   3. I’ve got my local business database – finished with over

       500 contacts.


The Only thing I want to do today is start putting together
an eZine prospect list for JV’s.

That takes some time, but it’s not hard work – just need to
visit a number of Ezine Directories that are Online.

Day Fifteen:

Now the fun begins.


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