Page 479 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 479

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


       – free training – he or she transcripts for me). I can
       also go to and pick up free eBook
       creation software, or at least a free demo that will do
       for the moment.
   3. The database of local business prospects could be a
       challenge, but I’ve found the easiest way to do this
       (keeping in mind that that I want businesses who are
       web minded) is to download the free evaluation copy of
       the Zeus Internet Marketing Robot from Cyber
       Robotics. It will easily build me a directory of local
       businesses who have web sites.
   4. The database of Internet prospects will have to come
       from people who already have good sized opt-in Ezine
       mailing lists. I’m going to choose to Joint Venture with
       good ‘average’ sized lists as I know they will more
       readily accept my proposal than the big guns. Most of
       the big guns don’t give a toads backside about the little
       ‘un-heard of guys’ like me. You’d be lucky to even get
       them to return your email.

Now I know what I want and how to get it, it’s time to get to

First thing is to create my full product outline to then contact
local web providers.

PS. I’ve going again here for the ‘local’ smaller web
providers as I know they are more likely to accept my


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