Page 477 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 477

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


“How to Create Your Own Killer Website that Generates
Cash, Leads and Traffic!”

Sub-Title: Or at least make sure your Webmaster can do it
for you.

This covers both ‘do it yourself’ people and medium
enterprises who out source the web design work.

The next step (and yes on day one all the planning needs to
be done), I make the decision to write the book with my

Why? Because that’s what I'm good at. I've been involved
with professional speaking now for over 15 years – my voice
is my greatest asset.

The rest of the day I set out a map of what the product
content will entail. It turns out that it’s going to be a 20-part
audio seminar running about 4 hours in total.

Cool – I'm excited! Go to bed.

Day Two:

The dawn rises, the birds and singing and last night I hardly
slept a wink.


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