Page 476 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 476

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


success comes through the Internet – but for now I'm dead
broke – the bills and stacked – food is scarce – what the hell
do I do?

Create my idea.

Here’s what I've got planned (and I write this out on a piece
of paper rather than just keep it in my head).

The first thing I need to do is come up with a product that
will be able to generate cash both Online and Off-line.
(Meaning, people from my local business community will buy
it through ‘conventional’ off-line sales methods – phone and
in person.

Simple solution – make it an eProduct.

I'll still deliver it via Internet Download, but I can sell it via
Online sales letter, as well as talk about it to people that I
meet and visit.

What’s it going to be about –

I already know that a successful business needs a
professional Website. I also know that many businesses out
there have great looking web sites but not profit producing
web sitess.

Here’s the product –


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