Page 480 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 480

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


proposal then larger companies. I want to be able to talk
directly with the owner of the business, not some secretary
or glorified ‘customer service’ dude.

Day Three:

My product outline is complete and I get on the phone and
begin prospecting.

By the end of the day I’ve already met a few people and
they love the idea of being able to give a free complimentary
copy of my new product to their clients in exchange for
registering a domain name and providing hosting for me.

Note: In case you were wondering – this is exactly how I
started out with my first Website.

Day Four and Five:

Immediately I need only do two things.
   1. Begin building my local database with Zeus, and
   2. Begin recording my audios.

Between them that this takes a few days.

Day Six:

Now keep in mind I’m a single Dad with 3 kids, so I just


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