Page 11 - E-Modul News Item Text
P. 11

Activity  6.
               Make a short dialogue based on the news in activity 4. Use the 5W’s and H information to question
               and answer.
               A      : Hi, B. have you known about the hot news today?
               B      : Oh, Hello, A. No, I haven’t. can you please tell me about it?
               A      : You know, __________________________________________________________________ .
               B      : ___________________________________________________________________________ .
               A      : ___________________________________________________________________________ .
               B      : ___________________________________________________________________________ .
               A      : ___________________________________________________________________________ .
               B      : ___________________________________________________________________________ .

                                                  Assessment  Rubric  for speaking
                   No                              Criteria                                Score
                   1   Pronunciation (the way a word is spoken)                             0  - 6
                   2   Intonation (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking)              0 - 3
                   3   Clarity in speaking                                                  0 – 6
                   4   Performance                                                          0 - 3
                                                                        Maximum  Score       18

                                       The  score  obtained
                    The student’s score  =                       x 100
                                       The maximum score (18)
                      Expert                : 90-100
                      Good mastery          : 80 -89
                      Insufficient mastery   : 70 - 79
                      Poor                  : ≤ 69

               The 3  Meeting

                  3.1  Membedakan unsur kebahasaan teks teks news item lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta
                      informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV.
                  3.2  Menemukan   berbagai  informasi   yang  terdapat    dalam teks  news  item lisan  dan  tulis  dengan
                      memberi  dan  meminta  informasi  terkait  berita  sederhana  dari  koran/radio/TV,  sesuai  dengan
                      konteks penggunaannya.
                  7.1  Memodifikasi teks news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV.
                  7.2  Menyusun teks news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV.

               Activity  1.
               Read the headline news below. Then, choose the best picture describes the news.
                                      Two dead as Japan orders 670,000 to flee heavy rains
                  Two people were confirmed dead on Wednesday as heavy rains pounded southwest Japan, prompting
                  flood and landslide warnings, and orders for 670,000 people to seek safety.
                  Nearly a million more people were advised to leave their homes after the country's weather agency raised
                  the alert to its highest level for parts of northern Kyushu.

                                   English For Brighter Future, For Tenth Grade Of SMA Negeri 1 Anjongan By Ajerin Karim, S. Pd
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