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Irene is an internationally certified coach
                                                     with over 3000 hours of coaching

                                                     experience. She holds a PCC credential
                                                     from the International Coach Federation

                                                     (ICF) she has played a key role in

                                                     Leadership development and coaching in
                                                     East working with leading organizations

                                                     such as Strathmore Business School,

                                                     Mastercard, USAID, UNAID, ABSA Kenya,
                                                     FNB bank, among others
     IRENE                                           Irene has a bachelor’s degree in Economics

     KINUTHIA                                        and master’s in organizational

                                                     development. She is an alumnus of the

     Lead Coach                                      International Faculty Development Program
                                                     at IESE Business School (Spain), and

                                                     several executive courses in leading

                                                     Business schools such as Maastricht
                                                     School of Management (Netherlands),

                                                     Gordon Institute of Business Science (SA),

                                                     Nanyang Business School (Singapore). She
                                                     has taken several coach and assessment


                                                     Irene has vast experience designing and

                                                     facilitating leadership and coach
                                                     certification training programs in over 9

                                                     countries in Africa. She is very passionate

                                                     about developing great leaders for the
                                                     African continent who can take their place

                                                     at the global table.
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