Page 2 - Amputee
P. 2

Management of Condition
The prosthetist and the physical therapist are integral members of
the rehabilitation team when working with lower-limb amputees.
The prosthetist is responsible for fabricating and modifying the
specific socket design and providing prosthetic components that
will best suit the life-style of a particular individual. The physical
therapist's role is threefold:

The amputee must be physically prepared for prosthetic gait train-
ing and educated about residual- limb care prior to being fitted
with the prosthesis.

The amputee must learn how to use and care for the prosthesis.
Prosthetic gait training can be the most frustrating, yet rewarding
phase of rehabilitation for all involved. The amputee must be
patiently educated in the biomechanics of prosthetic gait. Once
success is achieved, the amputee may look forward to resuming a
productive life.

The therapist should introduce the amputee to higher levels of
activities beyond just learning to walk. Although the amputee may
not be ready to participate in recreational activities immediately,
providing the names of support groups and disabled recreational
organizations can furnish the necessary information for the individ-
ual to seek involvement when ready.
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