Page 4 - Amputee
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How Can I Prevent This Injury?
Because so many amputations result from disease, considerable
attention has been paid to prevention. For example, the American
Diabetes Association recommends people stop smoking, which
can speed the progress of peripheral vascular disease. Patients
with diabetes should monitor their blood glucose levels carefully,
eat a healthy, balanced diet, see their doctors regularly, control
their weight, and check their feet each day for small cuts or blis-
ters. Other ways to prevent amputation include: placing safety
guards on any equipment that may be potentially hazardous, wear-
ing appropriate safety equipment, and standing an appropriate
distance away from moving equipment or pieces.
If you have additional questions please discuss them with your physician
or contact Access Rehab Centers at one of our 10 outpatient clinics.

Tompkins St. Southbury
(203) 419-0381 (203) 267-4060
Grandview Ave. Naugatuck
(203) 573-7130 (203) 723-4010
Lakewood Rd. Middlebury
(203) 759-1122 (203) 598-0400
East Main St. Oxford
(203) 575-0516 (203) 881-0830
Inside Waterbury Hospital Thomaston
(203) 573-6041 (860) 283-4700
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