Page 3 - COPD
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Treatment for COPD and
COPD Exacerbation
Treatment for living everyday with COPD is multifactorial.
Some of the most common ideas around treatment are:
eating a healthy diet, smoking cessation and avoiding
second hand smoke or bad outside air quality, taking pre-
scribed medications, getting flu and pneumonia vaccines
as prescribed and getting some sort of regular exercise.
Treatment for acute COPD exacerbation can come in
many forms. Patients may be given medicine known as
bronchodilators to help relax the airway tubes to the
lungs. They may also be given supplemental oxygen,
antibiotics if due to infection and respiratory stimulants.
Types of steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs may be given
either orally, through inhalation or through an IV site.
COPD and Physical Activity
Studies have shown that physical activity plays a role in
treatment of COPD and preventing COPD exacerbation.
Physical activity and regular exercise on any level is a key
to better breathing. Patients that exercise and strengthen
muscles actually have an easier time breathing as their
muscles become stronger. Exercise helps to increase
energy levels, increase circulation and increase endurance.
Physical activity should be to tolerance. An exercise program
can be prescribed by a physical therapist or a respiratory
therapist at a pulmonary rehabilitation program.