Page 4 - Low Back Pain
P. 4
When Should I Call My Doctor?
Many back injuries will improve without formal care. Generally you
should see some degree of improvement within a few days or a
week. If you do not you should contact your doctor. Severe pain or
other symptoms (weakness, incontinence) should prompt you to
contact your doctor immediately.
If you have additional questions please discuss them with your physician
or contact Access Rehab Centers at one of our 10 outpatient clinics.
Tompkins St. Southbury
(203) 419-0381 (203) 267-4060
Grandview Ave. Naugatuck
(203) 573-7130 (203) 723-4010
Lakewood Rd. Middlebury
(203) 759-1122 (203) 598-0400
East Main St. Oxford
(203) 575-0516 (203) 881-0830
Inside Waterbury Hospital Thomaston
(203) 573-6041 (860) 283-4700