Page 2 - Arthritis
P. 2

What Can I Do For My Back Pain?
Using good body mechanics when lifting, doing yard
work/housework and taking breaks while working will help
you maintain good low back health. Maintaining good pos-
ture and flexibility can slow the degeneration and help to
improve symptoms. One exercise to help relieve low back
pain is to lie on your back and pull your knee to your chest
while pushing your back into the floor. (See diagram 1.)
Hold for 10 seconds. Alternate legs and repeat 10 times
on each leg.

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Flexibility of the
spine and lower
back muscles is
important in con-
trolling pain and increasing mobility. One way to improve
flexibility is to lie on your back with your knees bent and feet
flat on the floor as in diagram 2 above. Slowly move your
knees side to side (windshield wipers).
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