Page 3 - SOHK
P. 3
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
First of all, I would like to thank the Centre for University-Industry Collaboration (CUIC) for its
continuous efforts in engaging with various industies and in producing more industry ready
graduates. Collaborations between UUM and industries have long been established and this year,
this partnership has been further strengthened with the launching of the School of Hard Knocks.
I would also like to congratulate CUIC and various schools in UUM that have been working
together with many industries even before SoHK was launched. This collaboration is seen as
important in ensuring the sustainability of graduate employability among UUM students. UUM
has been working with industries in various fields especially in terms of enhancing talent
development pipeline in the form of students’ development programme, industry exposure to
both staff and students as well as assisting UUM in revising the curriculum to be more
future-ready and future-proof from an industry perspective. These initiatives would ensure that
UUM remains relevant especially in the new world these days.
The strategic university-industry collaborations have helped UUM to develop our students. With
a student population of close to 30,000 who are mainly in social science disciplines, UUM would
be a good source for talent pool and on-campus industry embeddedness initiatives. I welcome
more strategic collaborations among industries to leverage each other’s expertise and resources.
I believe, universities should not be seen as isolated but a living laboratory to mould character and
good governance, in line with the advancement in Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Thank you.
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