Page 15 - OHC Hard Woods Tech Guide - 08102017
P. 15



               Name                 Ipe                   Garapa                Tigerwood            Cumaru

                                    Select Grade, all heart,   Select Grade, all heart,   Select Grade, all heart,   Select Grade, all heart,
                                    no knots & sap.       no knots & sap.       no knots & sap.      no knots & sap.

                                    No splinters, surface stays  No splinters, surface stays  No splinters, surface stays  No splinters, surface stays
                                    smooth & resists damage,  smooth & resists damage,  smooth & resists damage,  smooth & resists damage,
               Appearance           sealer required, patinas   sealer required, patinas   sealer required, colors   sealer required, colors
                                    to silver gray with small   to gray with small surface  darken with age with   darken with age with
                                    surface checks.       checks.               small surface checks.  small surface checks.

                                                          Moderately Durable
               Decay Resistance     Very Durable 25+ Years                      Very Durable 25 Years  Very Durable 25 Years
                                                          10-15 Years
               Fire Rating Class    A - B+                A - B                 A - B                A - B

               Resistance to
               Termites             High                  Medium                High                 High

               Resistance to        High                  Medium                High                 High
               Marine Borers

               Movement in
               Service              Low                   Low                   Low                  Low

               Average Weight       69 lbs/ft 3           51 lbs/ft 3           57 lbs/ft 3          68 lbs/ft 3

               Modulus of Rupture 25,660 lbf/in 2         18,530 lbf/in 2       16,970 lbf/in 2      25,390 lbf/in 2

               Modulus of Elasticity 3,200,000 lbf/in 2   2,257,000 lbf/in 2    4,401,000 lbf/in 2   3,237,000 lbf/in 2

               Janka Hardness       3,680 lbf             1,650 lbf             2,250 lbf            3,540 lbf

               Specific Gravity     .91 / 1.10            .65 / .82             .80 / .91            .86 / 1.09
               (Basic / 12% MC)

               Crushing Strength    13,600 lbf/in 2       9,030 lbf/in 2        10,770 lbf/in 2      13,850 lbf/in 2

                                    Radial: 5.9%          Radial: 4.2%          Radial: 4.2%         Radial: 5.3%
                                    Tangential: 7.2%      Tangential: 7.5%      Tangential: 7.8%     Tangential: 7.7%
                                    Volumetric: 12.4%     Volumetric: 11.4%     Volumetric: 11.2%    Volumetric: 12.6%
                                    T/R Ratio: 1.2        T/R Ratio: 1.8        T/R Ratio: 1.9       T/R Ratio: 1.5


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