Page 12 - OHC Hard Woods Tech Guide - 08102017
P. 12

Often overlooked by those seeking the more popular exotic hardwoods - like Ipe and
                             Tigerwood - Cumaru is an excellent alternative to pricier hardwood products. Harvested

                             primarily in Brazil, most Cumaru has the reddish brown look of Ipe (the most popular
                             Brazilian hardwood) with a similar density and durability. Cumaru can also come with
                             streaks of yellowish brown, which is sometimes sold under the trade name “Brazilian

                             Teak”. However, Cumaru is not related to true Teak (Tectona grandis).

                             Cumaru is also called by the name Tonka Bean, and the tree is commonly cultivated

                             for its vanilla-cinnamon scented seed—the tonka bean—which contains a chemical
                             compound called coumarin. Coumarin has been used in perfumes since 1820, and gives
                             Cumaru its aroma. Cumaru lumber is extremely stiff, strong, and hard, lending itself well

                             to a variety of applications. The heartwood also fluoresces under a black light, which can
                             help distinguish it from Ipe.


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