Page 9 - OHC Hard Woods Tech Guide - 08102017
P. 9



              Common Name(s)                                          Rot Resistance

              Garapa, Garapa Gold                                     Rated as durable, though vulnerable to termites and other

              Scientific Name                                         wood boring insect attacks.
              Apuleia leiocarpa                                       Workability

              Distribution                                            Garapa is fairly easy to work, despite its density. It glues

              South America                                           and finishes well, and is about average for dimensional
              Tree Size
              65-100 ft. tall with a 3-5 ft. trunk diameter           Odor
                                                                      No characteristic odor.
              Garapa  has  a golden to yellowish  brown color, which   Allergies/Toxicity

              darkens with age. The wood is fairly chatoyant, and     Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Garapa
              appears to shift from dark to light coloring in different   has been reported to cause skin irritation.

              lighting angles.                                        Sustainability
              Grain/Texture                                           This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices

              Grain  is usually  straight, but can also be interlocked.   or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, with the
              Uniform  medium  texture  with  a  moderate  amount  of   exception of one species endemic to Ecuador,  Carapa

              natural luster.                                         megistocarpa, which  is listed as endangered due to a
                                                                      population reduction of over 50% in the past three
              Endgrain                                                generations, caused by a decline in its natural range.
              Diffuse-porous;  solitary  and  radial  multiples;  medium

              to  large  pores  in  no  specific  arrangement,  moderately   Common Uses
              numerous; yellowish  brown mineral deposits common;     Flooring, decking, siding, soffits, docks, and boat building.
              parenchyma lozenge, winged, and confluent; narrow rays,

              spacing normal.


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