Page 5 - OHC Hard Woods Tech Guide - 08102017
P. 5



              Common Name(s)                                          Workability

              Ipe (ee-pay), Ironwood, Brazilian Walnut, Lapacho       Overall,  Ipe  can  be  a  difficult  wood  to  work,  being
              Scientific Name                                         extremely hard  and  dense, with high  cutting resistance

              Handroanthus spp. (formerly Tabebuia)                   during sawing. Ipe also has a pronounced blunting effect
              Distribution                                            on cutting edges. The wood generally planes smoothly, but
              Tropical Americas (Central and South America)           the grain can tear out on interlocked areas. Also, Ipe can

              Tree Size                                               be difficult to glue properly, and surface preparation prior
              100-130 ft. tall with a 2-4 ft. trunk diameter          to gluing is recommended. Straight-grained wood turns
                                                                      well, though  the natural  powdery yellow deposits can
              Color/Appearance                                        sometimes interfere with polishing or finishing the wood.
              Heartwood can vary  in color from reddish brown,  to a
              more yellowish olive brown or darker blackish brown;    Odor
              sometimes with contrasting darker brown/black stripes. In   Ipe has a mild scent while being worked.

              certain species, there are powdery yellow deposits within   Allergies/Toxicity
              the wood. Ipe can be difficult to distinguish visually from   Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Ipe has
              Cumaru, another dense South American timber, though Ipe   been reported to cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation,
              tends to be darker, and lacks the subtle yet characteristic   as well as other effects such as headaches, asthma-like
              vanilla/cinnamon scent while being worked.              symptoms, and/or disturbance of vision.

              Grain/Texture                                           Sustainability
              Has a fine to medium texture, with the grain varying from   Ipe is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN
              straight  to irregular  or interlocked. Moderate natural
              luster.                                                 Red List of Threatened Species. However, Ipe species grow
                                                                      in very low densities, with mature trees only occurring once
              Endgrain                                                per 300,000 to 1,000,000 square feet (3 to 10 hectares) of
              Diffuse-porous;  solitary  and  radial  multiples;  medium   forest area. This necessitates the clearing of large sections
              to  large  pores  in  no  specific  arrangement,  moderately   of rainforest trees (most of which are of little commercial
              numerous to numerous; tyloses and mineral/gum deposits

              occasionally  present; parenchyma  unilateral,  winged,   value). Though uncommon, certified sources of Ipe are
              and marginal; narrow rays, spacing normal; ripple marks   occasionally available.
              present.                                                Uses
              Rot Resistance                                          Flooring, decking, siding, soffits, exterior lumber, veneer,

              Rated as very durable; excellent insect resistance, though   tool handles, and other turned objects.
              some species are susceptible to marine borers. Superb
              weathering characteristics.


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