Page 188 - The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin_Neat plip book
P. 188

In  round  two  I  felt  unstoppable.  I  di dn’t  care  abo ut   the  refs  or  the   score.  I
                kept  winning  one  point  after  the  next  after  the  next  and  I  heard  Dan  and  my

                teammates  chanting  Tiger,  Buma  Ye,  Tiger,  Buma  Ye.  I  was  in  his  head  and  kept
                on  coming.  My  father  said  this  was  hi s  favorite  match,  that   it  was  a  be aut iful ,
                emotional experience to watch.  To me it felt techni cal:  I won  it bef ore steppi ng
                in  the  ring.  Afterward  my  team  mobbed   me  and       Max  lifted  me  int o  the   air.

                The  stadium  was  silent  but  for  the  voice  of  my  po p  and  the  guy s  around  me.  I
                was World Champion.
                    Now let’s see if I could do it twice.

                                                  MOVING STEP FINALS

                Buffalo  entered  the  ring  screaming,  wild,  fi    ts  pumpi ng  the  air.  I  ha d  felt  hi s
                mortality  in  Fixed,  which  was  good,  but   the  Moving  Step  woul d  be   hi s  lega cy.

                He’d  trained  his  whole  life  to  be  World  Cham pi on.  I  had  no  solut ions   to  hi s
                game,  only ideas.  He was surely the  gr eater athl ete.  But  maybe  I was the  be tter
                thinker.  The  bell  rang  and  he  went  right   on  the  attack,  pum meling  in  for  the

                underhooks.  For  a  few  seconds  I  fought   for  the  inside  position  but   he   felt  too
                powerful  and  I  decided  to  give  it  to  him—no   reason  to  meet  him  head- on.  His
                left  arm  pummeled  deep  under  my  right   armpi t  and  wrapped   up  my  sho ul de r.
                My  right  foot  was  forward  and  my  right   arm  locked  down       on   his  left  uppe r
                arm.  He  had  better  leverage  for  edgi ng   me  out   and   for  certain  thr ows,  but   I

                had  some  excellent  weapons  as  well.  When   the  timing  felt  right   I  cranke d  to
                the   left.   We   went   down   hard   toget her.   I   ins tigat ed   the   thr ow,   but    my   left
                elbow    touched   just   before   he   crashed    do wn.   His   po int ,   1–0.   My   shi rt   was

                ripped   up;   I   didn’t   mind   the   cave   man   feeling,   but    the   offi  als   made    me
                change it.
                    I’d   lost   the   first   point   but   felt   potential.   Play   resum ed,   we   conne cted,   I
                disconnected,  then  came  straight  in  on  him  and  tried  to  jump  around  and  take
                his  back  but  he  was  too  quick  and    wrapped   me  up.   We  separated,    I  da nc ed

                around  him,  tried  to  enter  fast  and   spi n  hi m  but   no thi ng   ther e.  We  felt  each
                other out. Then he cranked hard, I went with  it, spun  with  the  force and  stayed
                on my feet,  but when I landed he was on  me,  pus hi ng  hard.  I rooted  it out ,  but

                he kept on coming,  relentless,  and he edged  me out  of the  ring.  I’m do wn  2–0.
                About  a  minute  to  go  in  round  one.  I  tried  a  coupl e  of  thi ngs   but   coul dn’t  fi
                a  hole.  He  was  confident,  too  strong;   I  needed   to  us e  that   strengt h,  the re  was
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