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Praise for The Art of Learning

                “We  all  remember  the  portrayal  of  Josh  Waitzkin  in  Searching  for  Bobby  Fischer.
                He   was   a   very   impressive   child   who    cont inues    to   impr ess   with   The   Art   of
                Learning.  Through a unique set of experiences,  Waitzkin  has  formed an origi na l
                and   outstanding    perspective.   From   chess   to   Tai   Chi ,   he   provide s   tools   tha t

                allow all of us to improve ourselves every day.”
                                           —Cal Ripken, Jr., 2 007 Baseball Hall of Fam e Induct ee

                “Waitzkin’s engaging voice and his open nes s                 e him a welcome teache r.”
                                                                                      —Publishers Weekly

                “A   vibrant   and   engaging    look   at   the   love   of   learni ng   and   the    pur sui t   of


                “The  Art  of  Learning  succeeds  on  every  level,  by  combini ng  a  trul y  compel ling
                autobiography      with   profound    philosophi cal   and   psychologi cal   ins ight s,   all
                wrapped     in   a   practical   how-to   framework.   Thi s   is   a   mus t-read   for   any one

                wishing to achieve that rare combinat ion o f succes s and f ul fi     lment.”
                      —Paul Blease, S VP, D irector Team Developm ent & Cons ul ting, C itigr oup
                                                                                            Smith Barney

                “Waitzkin’s  in-depth  look  into  the  mental  side  of  hi s  succes s  in  bo th  che ss  and

                martial  arts  is  an  inspiring  and  abs orbi ng   read.   I  strongl y  recommend   it  for
                anyone  who  lives  in  a  world  of  competition,  whether  it’s  spo rts  or  bus ines s  or
                anywhere     else.   It’s   also   a   great   training   tool   for   ki ds    aspi ring   to   reach   the
                pinnacle of their chosen      elds.”

                                                     —Mark Messier, 6 -time Stanley Cup C ham pi on

                “The  title  is  accurate—at  a  profound    level,  it’s  abo ut   real  learni ng   from  ha rd
                conflict rather than from disinterested textbo oks .”
                               —Robert Pirsig, au thor of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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