Page 137 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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TRACK 9 TRACK 9 Technical Program
10:30am 10:48am
Implement the Finite Height Floodgates/Levees in Hydrodynamic Simula- Targeted Payload Delivery by Smart Capsules for Controlling Two-Phase
tions Using an Immersed Boundary Method Flow in Porous Media
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-51506 Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52681
Adam Oler, Ning Zhang, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA, Unit- Jing Fan, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States
ed States, Steven Brandt, Center for Computation and Technology, Baton
Rouge, LA, United States, Qin J. Chen, Louisiana State University, Baton 11:06am
Rouge, LA, United States Numerical Modeling and Parametric Assessment of Proppant Flow in
Fractured Reservoirs
10:48am Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50051
Artificial Neural Networks Applied to Slug Flow Characterization
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-52088 Kaushik Das, Debashis Basu, Kevin Smart, Goodluck Ofoegbu, Southwest
Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, United States
Cristiane Cozin, Fernando E.C. Vicencio, Fausto A.A. Barbuto, Marco J.
Da Silva, Lucia V.R. Arruda, Rigoberto E.M. Morales, Federal University of 11:24am
Technology–Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil Mesoscopic Simulation of Slip Motion of Gas Flow in Nanochannels
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-53696
Performance Assessment of Pre-Filtration Strainer of an Ultra-Filtration Kingsley Madiebo, Hadi Nasrabadi, Eduardo Gildin, Texas A&M University,
Membrane System by a Single Particle Optical Sensing College Station, TX, United States
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-53447
A.G. Agwu Nnanna, Chenguang Sheng, Purdue University Calumet, Ham- Modeling Droplets Shearing and Coalescence Using a Population Bal-
mond, IN, United States, Greg Crowley, Kimberly Conrad, Crowley Engi- ance Method in Produced Water Treatment Systems
neering LLC, Schererville, IN, United States Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-53097
11:24am Abdul Motin, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States, John
Using LES to Understand Wake Evolution During Diurnal Cycle Walsh, CETCO Energy Services, Houston, TX, United States, Andre Benard,
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-52045 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States
Jordan Nielson, Kiran Bhaganagar, University of Texas at San Antonio, San
Antonio, TX, United States
Performance of a Rooftop Wind Turbine System Having a Wind Deflecting NONLINEAR MATERIALS AND COMPLEX FLUIDS
Structure, Experimental Results
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50143
Majid Rashidi, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, United States, FLUID MECHANICS AND RHEOLOGY OF NONLINEAR MATERIALS
Jaikrishnan Kadambi, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, AND COMPLEX FLUIDS II
United States, Asuquo Ebiana, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH,
United States
370D 1:15pm–2:45pm
Session Chair: Mhamed Boutaous, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées
9-16 de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
MULTIPHASE FLOW WITH OIL & GAS APPLICATIONS (MFOG) Session Co-Chair: Dennis Siginer, Botswana International University of Sci-
ence and Technology & Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile
9-16-1 1:15pm
DELIVERY, SEPARATION AND CONTROL FOR PRODUCTION Modeling the Radiative Heat Transfers in Selective Laser Sintering of
ENHANCEMENT Polymers: Scattering Effect
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50611
361E 10:30am–12:00pm Xin Liu, INSA de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France, Mhamed Boutaous, Institut Na-
tional des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France, Shihe Xin,
Session Chair: Brent Houchens, Landmark, Houston, TX, United States INSA de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
Session Co-Chair: Hadi Nasrabadi, Texas A&M University, College Station,
TX, United States
Herschel-Bulkley Viscoplastic Flow in Tubes of Noncircular Cross Section
10:30am Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50046
Comparison of Eulerian-Granular and Discrete Element Models for Simu-
lation of Proppant Flows in Fractured Reservoirs Mario Letelier, Felipe Godoy, University of Santiago of Chile, Santiago, Chile,
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50050 Dennis Siginer, Botswana International University of Science and Technol-
ogy, Palapye, Botswana, César Rosas, University of Santiago of Chile, San-
Debashis Basu, Kaushik Das, Kevin Smart, Goodluck Ofoegbu, Southwest tiago, Chile
Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, United States 137