Page 141 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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TRACK 10                                                TRACK 10                     Technical Program

        10-4                                                    10-5

        10-4-1                                                  10-5-1

        361D   10:30am–12:00pm                                  361E   10:30am–12:00pm

        Session Chair: Hohyun Lee, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, United   Session Chair: Nesrin Ozalp, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
        States                                                  Session Co-Chair: Sophia Haussener, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
        Session Co-Chair: Alexander Rattner, Pennsylvania State University, State
        College, PA, United States                              10:30am
                                                                Thermal Performance of a Receiver Tube for a High Concentration Ratio
        10:30am                                                 Parabolic Trough System and Potential for Improved Performance with
        Thermomoelectric Energy Harvester from Body Waste Heat with Physical   Syltherm800-CuO Nanofluid
        Limitations                                             Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50234
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52180
                                                                Aggrey Mwesigye, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, Gauteng,
        Hohyun Lee, Brandon Ohara, Joseph Soares, Santa Clara University, Santa   South Africa, Josua P. Meyer, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Gauteng, South
        Clara, CA, United States                                Africa, Zhongjie Huan, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, Gauteng,
                                                                South Africa
        Effect of Longitudinal Vortex Generator Location on Thermoelectric-Hy-  10:45am
        draulic Performance of a Singlestage Integrated Thermoelectric Power   Innovative Solar Receiver Microdesign Based on Numerical Predictions
        Generator                                               Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50597
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-52244
                                                                Raffaele Capuano, German Aerospace Center, Juelich, North-Rhine West-
        Samruddhi Deshpande, Bharath Viswanath Ravi, Jaideep Pandit, Virginia   phalia, Germany, Thomas Fend, Bernhard Hoffschmidt, Robert Pitz-Paal,
        Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States, Ting   German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany
        Ma, Xi`An Jiaotong University, Xi`An, China, Scott Huxtable, Srinath Ekkad,
        Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States  11:00am
                                                                Dense Granular Flows as a New Heat Transfer Fluid for Concentrated So-
        11:00am                                                 lar Power
        Development and Performance of a Higher Temperature Thermoelectric   Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-51069
        Waste Heat Recovery System and Its Building Blocks
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52514                 Megan Watkins, Richard D. Gould, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
                                                                NC, United States
        Doug Crane, Alphabet Energy, Inc., Hayward, CA, United States
        11:15am                                                 An Experimental Study of the Effect of SiO2 Nanoparticles on the Phase
        Theoretical Analysis of Pyroelectric Harvesting of Low-Grade Exhaust   Change Characteristics of KNO3-NaNO3 Mixtures for Thermal Energy
        Waste Heat                                              Storage
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-53042            Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-52022

        Y. Sungtaek Ju, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, Unit-  Pau Gimenez Gavarrell, Abengoa Research, Albalat de la Ribera, Spain,
        ed States                                               Sonia Fereres, Abengoa Research, Sevilla, Spain

        11:30am                                                 11:30am
        High-Temperature and High-Power-Density Nanostructured Thermoelec-  Exergetic Optimization of Solar Thermoelectric Generators for Combined
        tric Generator for Automotive Waste Heat Recovery       Power and Heat
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-53110                 Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52170

        Yanliang Zhang, Boise State University, Boise, ID, United States, Xiaowei   Hohyun Lee, Brandon Ohara, Joseph Soares, Santa Clara University, Santa
        Wang, Martin Cleary, GMZ Energy, Waltham, MA, United States, Nick Kempf,   Clara, CA, United States
        Luke Schoensee, Boise State University, Boise, ID, United States
        11:45am                                                 Application of Microscale Devices for Megawatt Scale Supercritical Car-
        Phase-Change Based Thermal Energy Storage for Small-Scale Energy   bon Dioxide Concentrating Solar Power Recievers
        Harvesting Applications                                 Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-52529
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-53439
                                                                Kyle R. Zada, M. Kevin Drost, Brian Fronk, Oregon State University, Corval-
        Aryn Hays, Eric Borquist, Suvhashis Thapa, Debbie Wood, Leland Weiss,   lis, OR, United States
        Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, United States
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