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                                                                Rice University
        National Science Foundation (Booth #204)                Department of Mechanical Engineering
        Directorate for Engineering                             6100 Main St., Houston, Texas 77005-1827
        4201 Wilson Boulevard                                   Phone: 713-348-5850
        Arlington, VA 22230                                     Email:
        Phone: 703-292-2546                                     Website:
        Website:                                    Rice University’s George R. Brown School of Engineering includes nine
                                                                departments and seventeen research institutes and centers. Among the
        The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency   more than 100 engineering faculty are 14 members of the National
        created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science; to   Academies of Engineering and Science. More than one third of Rice
        advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national   undergraduates are engineering majors and about 30 percent of graduate
        defense...” NSF supports fundamental research at the frontiers of   students are in the School of Engineering.
        knowledge, across all fields of science and engineering (S&E) and S&E
        education. With an annual budget of about $7.3 billion (fiscal year 2015),   Located in Houston, our faculty and students take advantage of the city’s role
        the agency is the funding source for approximately 24 percent of all   as a center for the energy industry, medical research, space exploration, and
        federally supported fundamental research conducted by America’s   the city’s growing high-technology sector. Active industrial affiliates programs
        colleges and universities.                              and collaborative research projects with local companies benefit our students
                                                                through collaborative design projects, summer internships, and making
        Product/Service: Independent federal agency             contacts for employment before graduation. Learn more at

        ____________________________________________________________  Product/Service: Academic Institution


        Rethink Robotics (Booth #205)
        27 Wormwood Street
        Boston, MA 02210                                        Software Cradle Co., Ltd. (Booth #211)
        Phone: 617-229-5759                                     50 Chestnut Street, Suite A-214
        Fax: 617-812-0448                                       Beavercreek, OH 45440
        Email:                       Phone: 937-912-5798
        Website:                        Fax: 513-672-0523
        Rethink Robotics has pioneered the development of smart, collaborative   Website:
        robots that can operate safely next to people in a wide range of education
        & research, manufacturing, and production environments. Founded in   Software Cradle is a leading provider of Computational Fluid Dynamics
        2008 by renowned roboticist, Rodney Brooks, the company is successfully   (CFD) software including SC/Tetra (general purpose unstructured mesh),
        introducing robots into organizations and applications for which robots   scSTREAM (general purpose Cartesian mesh), and HeatDesigner
        have historically been impractical. The Baxter Robot is safe and affordable   (Cartesian mesh for electronics). Since inception in 1984, Cradle has
        with an open source SDK, making it the choice platform to teach concepts   established itself as a major innovator that is advancing the role of
        of engineering, automation, manufacturing, and programming. Just as the   simulation in engineering design. Our software products are well known
        PC revolutionized the way computers were used by office workers in the   for ease of use, exceptionally fast and powerful meshing, efficient solvers,
        era of mainframes, Rethink Robotics is revolutionizing the way people in   sophisticated physical models, and professional post processing.
        research and education can access and use robots for their work.
                                                                Product/Service: Developer (SC/Tetra, scSTREAM, and HeatDesigner)
        Product/Service: Developer (collaborative robotics)
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