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        Stratasys - (Sponsor of conference lanyards. Booth #203)  University of Southern California (Booth #111)
        5 Fortune Drive                                         Viterbi School of Engineering
        Billerica, MA 01821                                     3650 McClintock Avenue, OHE 106
        Phone: 978-495-5568                                     Los Angeles, CA 90089
        Website:                              Phone: 213-740-4488
                                                                Fax: 213-821-0851
        Stratasys® manufactures 3D printing equipment and materials that create   Email:
        physical objects directly from digital data. Systems range from affordable,   Website:
        desktop 3D printers to large, advanced 3D production systems. Its
        specially engineered 3D printing materials include hundreds of photopoly-  The University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering is a
        mers, thermoplastics, and wax. Manufacturers use Stratasys 3D Printers to   Top 3 Online Graduate Engineering Program and a Top 10 Graduate
        create models and prototypes for new product design and testing, and for   Engineering Program (U.S. News & World Report, 2015). With over 40+
        low-volume finished goods. The company also operates Stratasys Direct   graduate programs available entirely online via DEN@Viterbi, engineering
        Manufacturing, a digital parts manufacturing service.   professionals pursue their studies in a flexible and interactive environ-
                                                                ment. Programs include the MS in mechanical engineering and MS in
        Product/Service: Manufacturer (3D printing equipment and material)  mechanical engineering (energy conversion) offered by the Aerospace &
                                                                Mechanical Engineering Department.
                                                                Product/Service: Academic institution


        University of California, Riverside (Booth #305)
        Mechanical Engineering Dept.
        900 University Avenue
        Riverside, CA 92521
        Phone: 951-827-2115                                     University of Maryland (Booth #106)
        Email:                            Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
        Website:                                 2102B Glenn L. Martin Hall
                                                                College Park, MD 20742
        Our mission is to provide quality education, conduct strong research,   Phone: 301-405-1364
        foster close partnership with industry and government, and provide   Email:
        related service to the campus community and the community at large. The   Website:
        mission is guided by a commitment to continuous improvement in the
        overall quality of teaching, research, and service, while adhering to the   The University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering is a
        highest standards of ethics. The vision of the department is to be   premier program, ranked among the top 20 in the world. Located just a
        nationally recognized as an innovator in both research and education in   few miles from Washington, D.C., the Clark School is at the center of a
        mechanical engineering.                                 constellation of high-tech companies and federal laboratories, offering
                                                                students and faculty access to unique professional opportunities.
        Product/Service: Academic institution
                                                                Our broad spectrum of academic programs, including the world’s only
                                                                accredited undergraduate fire protection engineering program, is
                                                                complemented by a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem, early hands-on
                                                                educational experiences, and participation in national and international
                                                                The Clark School is leading research advancements in aerospace,
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