Page 29 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
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Track Plenary

              Track 8: Energy                                         Track 11: Materials: Genetics to Structures
              8-18-2: PLENARY SESSION 2                               11-1-2: PLENARY SESSION II
                                    Tuesday, November 15, 10:30AM–12:15PM                    Monday, November 14, 1:30PM–3:15PM
                                          129A, Phoenix Convention Center                        226A, Phoenix Convention Center
              Metal Oxide-Based Thermochemical Redox Processes for Producing   Architectures of soft robotic locomotion enabled by simple mechanical
              Solar Fuels and Storing Thermal Energy                  principles
              (IMECE2016-68864)                                       (IMECE2016-68776)

              Dr. James Miller                                        Prof. Xi Chen
              Sandia National Laboratories                            Columbia University

              Biography: Dr. James E. Miller (Jim) is a chemical engineer who has been   Biography: Dr. Xi Chen received his Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics from Harvard
              involved in energy, materials, and chemical processing research at Sandia   University in 2001. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard from 2001-
              National Laboratories for almost 25 years. His work has touched on   2003. He joined Columbia University in 2003 as an Assistant Professor
              diverse topics ranging from hydroprocessing, to oxidation, lignin depolym-  and was promoted to an Associate Professor in 2007. He uses multiscale
              erization, treatment of radioactive waste and automobile exhaust, and   theoretical, experimental, and numerical approaches to investigate various
              desalination.                                           research frontiers in materials addressing challenges in energy and
                                                                      environment, nanomechanics, and mechanobiology. He has published
                                                                      over 250 journal papers with a h-index over 42. He received the NSF
                                                                      CAREER Award in 2007, the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists
              Track 11: Materials: Genetics to Structures
              11-1-1: PLENARY SESSION I                               and Engineers (PECASE) in 2008, ASME Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career
                                                                      Award in 2010, SES Young Investigator Medal in 2011, ASME Thomas J. R.
                                    Monday, November 14, 10:30AM–12:15PM
                                                                      Hughes Young Investigator Award in 2012, and a number of international
                                          221B, Phoenix Convention Center
                                                                      recognitions from Japan, Korea and China. He is a Fellow of ASME.
              Electrochemical stiffness in lithium-ion batteries – a new concept for
              understanding electrode response
                                                                      Track 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids
              Prof. Nancy Sottos                                      12-25-1: PLENARY AND SPECIAL LECTURES
              University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                                   Tuesday, November 15, 10:30AM–12:15PM
                                                                                                 226B, Phoenix Convention Center
              Biography: Nancy Sottos is the Donald B. Willet Professor of Engineering
                                                                      Mechanics of Soft Composites: The Interplay between Geometrical
              in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University
                                                                      Structuring and Large Deformation to Achieve Novel Behavior
              of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She is also a co-chair of the Molecular and
              Electronic Nanostructures Research Theme at the Beckman Institute.
              Sottos started her career at Illinois in 1991 after earning a Ph.D. in   Prof. Mary Boyce
              mechanical engineering from the University of Delaware. Her research   Columbia University
              group studies the mechanics of complex, heterogeneous materials such
              as self-healing polymers, advanced composites, and battery electrodes,   Biography: Mary C. Boyce is Dean of Engineering at The Fu Foundation
              specializing in characterization of deformation and failure in these material   School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University in the
              systems. Sottos’ research and teaching awards include the ONR Young   City of New York and also the Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor of
              Investigator Award (1992), Outstanding Engineering Advisor Award (1992,   Engineering. Prior to joining Columbia, Dean Boyce served on the faculty
              1998, 1999 and 2002), the R.E. Miller award for Excellence in Teaching   of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for over 25 years,
              (1999), University Scholar (2002), the University of Delaware Presidential   leading the Mechanical Engineering Department from 2008 to 2013. Dean
              Citation for Outstanding Achievement (2002), the Hetényi Best Paper   Boyce leads the education and research mission of Columbia Engineering
              Award from the Society for Experimental Mechanics (2004, 2016),   with more than 185 faculty, 1500 undergraduate students, 2500 graduate
              Scientific American’s SciAm 50 Award (2008), the M.M. Frocht and B.J.   students, and 100 postdoctoral fellows. She is committed to facilitating
              Lazan awards from the Society for Experimental Mechanics (2011), and the   and celebrating the creativity and innovation of students and faculty, and
              Daniel Drucker Eminent Faculty Award (2014). She is a Fellow of the   enabling collaborations across the University. Her research focuses on
              Society of Engineering Science and the Society for Experimental   materials and mechanics, particularly in the areas of multi-scale mechanics
              Mechanics and serves on the editorial boards for Experimental Mechanics   of polymers and soft composites, both those that are man-made and those
              and Composites Science and Technology.                  formed naturally. Her leadership in the field of mechanics of materials has
                                                                      expanded understanding of the interplay between micro-geometry and
                                                                      the inherent physical behavior of a material, which has led to innovative
                                                                      hybrid material designs with novel properties. She has been widely
                                                                      recognized for her scholarly contributions to this field, including election
                                                                      as a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the
                                                                      American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of

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